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  • Kaunch Kale – कौंच काले – Cowhage – Mucuna Pruriens Black

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    Kale Kauch Beej (Mucuna Pruriens) is classified as follows:

    Ayurvedic Property Classification
    Rasa (taste) Madhura (sweet), Tikta (bitter)
    Guna (qualities) Guru (heavy), Snigdha (unctuous or oily)
    Veerya (potency) Ushna (hot)
    Vipaka (post-digestive effect) Madhura (sweet)
    Dosha Balances Vata and Pitta doshas, may increase Kapha dosha in excess
    Prabhava (special action) Nervous system and reproductive system support


    Active Compound Function
    L-Dopa Precursor to dopamine, helps regulate mood, movement, and motivation
    Serotonin Regulates mood, appetite, sleep, and digestive function
    Adrenaline and noradrenaline Regulate the body’s stress response
    Acetylcholine Regulates memory and learning
    Antioxidants (flavonoids and phenols) Protect cells from oxidative damage, may have anti-aging effects
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